How To Make Software At Home

A lot of software developers like to make things complicated. They get something that could be simple and easy and, due to what most people tell on the internet, make it complicated.

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  3. Today, you’ve learnt what it takes to create a software product.Next time, we’ll look at how to market and sell your software product. David Hartshorne David is also a freelance writer working with personal brands, marketing teams, and digital agencies to create detailed, actionable content that resonates with their audience.

Software should be simple. Said that, it's easy to understand why so many developers have a hard time building software from scratch. In their minds, it's a totally complex and difficult thing and they get completely stuck in the middle of the process.

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So, the question is… How do you build software from scratch?

Transcript From The Video

John Sonmez:

Hey, what's up? John Sonmez from Today, I have a question about building software from scratch. This is a question I've gotten a lot of times from a lot of different people because this is something that is difficult to do when you're a beginner, to figure out how you could ever do this.

This question comes from Akash and he says, “Hey John, your videos are great and I highly value your advice. One problem I face is that when it comes to building a big software, I cannot think of how to design the whole thing from scratch. Say, how to break the whole thing into mini sub-tasks and then implementing each sub-task and putting them all together to make it work. It would be very nice if you can guide me on how to overcome this problem. Thanks in advance.”

What I would say here, Akash, is that what you want to do is you want to think—instead of thinking about taking a whole system, this kind of the top-down approach, break it down to all these pieces, assembling all these pieces and seeing how they fit together, and building this massive Transformer or Legos from—these huge Legos. You want to think of software development more like evolution.

What I mean by that is that start with something really simple. Start with the simplest thing that could possibly work that doesn’t have a lot of features and then evolve that into where you want to go instead of doing what they call big upfront design. It doesn’t mean that you should never like think about the overall architecture of the thing and that you don’t have the designs and certain things upfront. In a lot of cases, you don’t have to do as much of it as you think you need.

Now, if you're designing some software that is going to be embedded inside of an electronic device and a hardware engineer is going to have to develop the circuitry or a custom chip, or something for that to work, you're probably going to have to design a lot of this stuff upfront and you're probably going to have to do that. You might even be limited there. For most software that we're building today, especially web applications and things like that or mobile applications, we could build something that is very, very basic and then evolve it, make changes to grow it and to add complexity as needed.


One thing—one reason why this is so important is because the bane of software development, one of the worst things in software development is complexity. This channel is called Simple Programmer and my business is about making the complex simple, because that's what we need to do. As software developers one of your main jobs is to fight complexity because complexity comes into the system and it makes it difficult to maintain and makes it difficult to understand. It makes it more likely to have bugs and to fail. We want to reduce the complexity as much as possible. We want to simplify. We need to start as simple as possible, what is the simplest possible thing that could work?

A lot of times in the entrepreneurial world, they call this an MVP or minimal viable product. What can you do when you're trying to build a big software system or what you can do is that you can start really small. Start with a very, very small thing. I'm trying to think of the book, but I read this really good book on something, I think it was test driven development step-by-step or something like that. In the book, he was designing like a Notepad app or something. He started off with very, very incremental—he did this in a very incremental way and he started off with, I think, his application needed a database, but he started off with not having a database. Instead, just like storing the data in text files that he read from the text files. Then he got to his point where he needed to actually put it into a database, and then he modified the program and made it read the same data, except he created an abstraction to read from the database.

That's the natural evolution of things and that's how you can build this complex software. I guarantee you, most of the complex software that actually gets built today is built in this manner. A lot of it is not designed all the way upfront and then build all these pieces and hope and pray that they work. Otherwise, it ends up going way over budget and way over schedule. Unfortunately, that does happen. If you want to be successful, if you want to be able to do this, just start with something small. There's nothing that is difficult in this world. There is nothing that is complex. It is only that it's composed of a bunch of simple things that make it seem complex.

You can build the most complex architecture. You can build a huge thing, but you have to start with the simple. It's all composed of the simple. Then instead of trying to just take all those pieces, just start. Evolve the thing. Start. Buttons on keyboard to paste. Build something. What is the smallest simplest thing that you can put out that does anywhere close to the functionality? Then start adding features. As you add the features, then you add the architecture to support them and you create abstractions.

A book that I'll recommend that would probably help you to do that is called Clean Code. It's one of my favorite books by Robert Martin. I definitely recommend that book, but you want to evolve your architecture. Then the other thing I would say about this is that as you evolve things, you're going to create abstractions to keep it simple so that you don't ever have this huge, huge complexity. Sometimes it might even be rewriting the entire thing or rewriting parts of it, but that's fine. That's how the evolution of software works. It's better than adding complexity.

A lot of times software developers want to prematurely optimize. They want to make things extremely flexible. They're doing premature optimization on the software because they're trying to build this very, very robust system. That often fails because we don't know what we don’t know. We don't know what we're going to need so it's better to not try to anticipate it, but just to say, “Okay. Now, I need to add this new feature or make this work in this way. How can I evolve it?”

Remember, software development is not like a bridge. It's not like you've got concrete laid and now you're going to change the architecture of the house. Software is malleable. It's like clay. You can change it around. It doesn’t have a high, high cost for you to modify that and to change it. You need to use the advantage of that medium as much as possible, which lends itself to an evolutionary process to develop software, as opposed to a big upfront design.

I hope that helps you Akash. Great question. I think a lot of people have asked about this in the past. If you have a question for me, you can email at If you like this video, go ahead and click that big Subscribe button below if you haven't already subscribed. If yo have, I appreciate you. Stay tuned until next time. Take care.

Today we’re going to create a software product!

Yep, you heard correctly, we’re going to create a software product – a WordPress Plugin.

No need to worry…

It’s a bit like baking a cake.


If you’ve ever checked my LinkedIn Profile then you’ll know that I spent many years working in the software industry.

One of my goals when starting my online business was to create my own digital products. And more specifically I wanted to create my own software products.

I didn’t know exactly how I was going to do that – I had a rough idea, but nothing concrete.

Well, now I know a lot more about creating my own software product than I did a few months back. And I wanted to share exactly what it entails.

How do you create a software product?

Making a WordPress Plugin is a bit like baking a cake.

Not that I’m into baking cakes – eating them, YES, baking them, NO!!

But as I understand it, you need:

  • Ingredients: 4oz flour, 4oz sugar, 4oz butter, 2 eggs, etc.
  • Recipe: add this, mix that, beat those, etc.
  • Equipment: oven, food mixer/processor, mixing bowl, cutlery, etc.

It’s similar when creating a software product because you will need:

  • People: the ingredients
  • Process: the recipe
  • Technology: the equipment

Let me show you how we created our software product.


The first thing to say is that I have not created this software product on my own!

Business Partner

It’s not compulsory to have a business partner when creating a software product, but it certainly helps!

I approached my online marketing friend Richard and asked him if he’d be interested in working on a joint project to create a software product.

Why Richard? Aside of the fact that he’s smart and already has a successful track record in creating and selling information products (ebooks/courses, etc.)

  • We both trust and respect each other
  • We both live in the UK
  • We both support the same football team – yeah, I know, unbelievable – I thought I was the only Aston Villa fan

He said, “Yes!” and the AV Project was born.

Don’t believe me? Here is the folder in Box:


If you’ve never created a software product before, then I strongly recommend you take some education first.

To take our cake analogy, if you’ve never baked a cake before then you would want to read a book or watch a video on the steps you need to take.

Let me clarify. I don’t mean get trained on how to start coding PHP and CSS, and all the rest of the languages you need for a WordPress plugin. I mean get trained on how to start from scratch and end up with a finished product on the market.

So Richard and I started off by investing in an online course from an instructor who had real experience of creating a software product from scratch. In fact, he’s had several successful software products over the last few years.

This is one of the key things we learned in our online course:

Stay in the CEO Mindset – i.e. don’t worry about the small technical details.


Given that neither Richard nor I are programmers it is a given that we would need a Developer. During the course we learned how best to outsource the software development and we were able to recruit a developer via Elance.


Last, but not least, you will need people to review your ideas and review your finished product.

We are indebted to the trusted band of marketing friends who have run our plugin through its paces. Without them we wouldn’t be at the stage we are now – ready to launch!​

Those are the main ingredients, the important people, in this first stage of creating a software product.


Before I describe the PROCESS that we followed, I’m going to tell you about the TECHNOLOGY we used. Again, some of these come down to our preferred choice, but you will either need these or a variation thereof.

  • Box – Box is an online file sharing and personal cloud content management service.
  • Excel – You will need a project planning tool. There are plenty on the market, but we chose Excel.
  • Skype – You need to keep communicating when you are running a project. Skype allowed us to chat, talk and share screens.
  • Balsamiq – We used Balsamiq to provide our developer with a full-design specification including mockup screens.
  • Jing – We used Jing for creating screen grabs and recording short videos.
  • Screencast – We used Screencast to store and share short testing videos.

As a side note, you could use dedicated product development software to manage some of the additional development tasks.


Right, so we have the PEOPLE and we have the TECHNOLOGY. Now we need something to bind those parts together in our winning mixture.

I’m going to take you through, at a high level, what we did at each stage in the process of creating our WordPress plugin.

  • April – Complete the online course
  • May – Finalise idea
  • June – Design/Development/Test
  • July – Beta Test Review
  • August – Product Launch

The learning process

As I mentioned earlier, Richard and I invested in an online course on how to create and sell your own software product. The course was all pre-recorded so we could go at own pace to fit in with other commitments; work, blogs, and family. Our target was to complete this by the end of April, which we achieved. Tick!

The planning process

Having completed the course, we now had an idea of what was going to be involved and we started to map out a timeline. I knocked up a plan in Excel and started dishing out tasks to Richard and me.

Two things to note about planning:

  1. You have to be realistic
  2. You have to be flexible – things don’t always go to plan!

The idea generation process

We had the theory from the training course and now we had to put it into practice starting with an idea, or two or three…

And the reason I say that is because the ‘Eureka moment’ does not exist!

However, you definitely don’t have to come up with a totally brand new idea to be successful. Here’s what to do:

  1. Always be on the lookout for tasks which could be automated
  2. Research the market
  3. Research the successful products that are already out there
  4. Make a list of their features
  5. Combine those features to create a new software product

As soon as we learnt this in the course we started coming up with ideas and jotting them down in another spreadsheet, affectionately called the AV ROLODEX.

Having got an idea or two you need to test the market. So we put together a mini-spec with some screen mock ups and sent the idea out to a few PEOPLE – our reviewers.

The feedback on our first idea was not good. So, having picked our egos off the floor we took the positives out of the feedback and generated a second idea that was closely related to the first.

The feedback on the second ‘improved’ idea was much more positive and now we had something to go with.

*The Idea and Specification are Crucial! Get the foundation right!*

The design process

Having decided to run with our idea we entered the Design Phase, which consisted of 3 main tasks:

  1. Create Mockups
  2. Create Outsourcing Accounts
  3. Finalise Product Name

Richard created the mockups, and what a fine job he did. Here’s an example of one mockup screen:

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Whilst Richard was busy creating mockups, I started opening our accounts on outsourcing sites such as Upwork. I also started to create our brief job specification ready to post in the next section.

The outsourcing process

Here are the steps we followed to hire our developer:

  1. Post your job (brief spec)
  2. Candidates apply (within hours)
  3. Shortlist candidates (4.5 rating or above + check previous work)
  4. Send full job spec to them
  5. Ask them questions and confirm deadline/milestones (chat on Skype)
  6. Hire the chosen one (within 3 or 4 days of posting)
  7. Work with them + regular progress checks

Note: Upwork now owners the former oDesk and Elance platforms.

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The development process

I’d like to say that once the developer is hired, you csn sit back and relax for a few days, but in truth, you can’t.

First of all, it’s important to follow Step 7 above – Work with them and have regular checks. If you don’t, then you run the risk that (a) they won’t do anything or (b) they misunderstand your design spec. Either will result in wasted time and money 🙁

Secondly, whilst the developer is doing his coding there are a few other tasks to be getting on with, mainly focused around your own website where you will market your product from. More to come on that in Part 2.

Here are the three main steps in this phase:

Make Software Easy

  1. Complete Beta Version
  2. Test Beta Version
  3. Complete Version 1​

Aside of that, as you can see, there is the small task of testing. You cannot afford to go light on this task. At times it’s boring and frustrating, but you have to be prepared to test your plugin to breaking point.

And we did break it…several times…and each time we sent it back to the developer to be fixed. So, be prepared, the above 3 steps are quite reiterative!

When you’re satisfied with your final version, then you need to reach out to your contacts and ask them to get involved with more testing. And also ask them to provide testimonials for your sales page.

Secret ingredients

When you bake a cake there are always a few additional ingredients that you add into the mix. I’m talking of, for example, a dash of vanilla essence, or a pinch of a salt.

The small things that perhaps nobody sees, but definitely gives the cake its flavours.

When you create a software product, you need that little bit extra than just the essential PEOPLE, PROCESS and TECHNOLOGY.

You need things like:

  • Mindset
  • Determination
  • Resilience
  • Perseverance
  • Patience

In short you need plenty of hair and thick skin!

Without any of those you’ll be down and out within weeks.

You must remember:

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  • You only reap what you sow – in business, as in life!
  • Enjoy the learning curve!
  • Push your comfort zone every day!

Wrapping up part 1

The journey so far has been a massive learning curve. We have used our individual strengths to complement each other in creating our first software product.

Today, you’ve learnt what it takes to create a software product.Next time, we’ll look at how to market and sell your software product.

The how to become a software developer at home is developing at a frantic pace. New versions of the software should be released several times a quarter and even several times a month.

Update for how to become a software developer at home.

There are several reasons for this dynamic:
First, new technologies are emerging, as a result, the equipment is being improved and that, in turn, requires software changes.
Secondly, the needs of users are growing, requirements are increasing and the needs are changing for how to become a software developer at home.
Therefore, it is necessary to monitor changes in the how to become a software developer at home and to update it in a timely manner.

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How To Run Software On Mac

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Reinstall from macOS Recovery

macOS Recovery makes it easy to reinstall the Mac operating system, even if you need to erase your startup disk first. All you need is a connection to the Internet. If a wireless network is available, you can choose it from the Wi-Fi menu , which is also available in macOS Recovery.

1. Start up from macOS Recovery

To start up from macOS Recovery, turn on your Mac and immediately press and hold one of the following sets of keys on your keyboard. Release the keys when you see an Apple logo, spinning globe, or other startup screen.

Command (⌘)-R

Reinstall the latest macOS that was installed on your Mac (recommended).


Upgrade to the latest macOS that is compatible with your Mac.



Reinstall the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available.

You might be prompted to enter a password, such as a firmware password or the password of a user who is an administrator of this Mac. Enter the requested password to continue.

When you see the utilities window, you have started up from macOS Recovery.

2. Decide whether to erase (format) your disk

You probably don't need to erase, unless you're selling, trading in, or giving away your Mac, or you have an issue that requires you to erase. If you need to erase before installing macOS, select Disk Utility from the Utilities window, then click Continue. Learn more about when and how to erase.

Minimum Requirements: Recommended Requirements: CPU: Intel Core i3-3210 3.2 GHz/ AMD A8-7600 APU 3.1 GHz or equivalent: Intel Core i5-4690 3.5GHz / AMD A10-7800 APU 3.5 GHz or equivalent. Just follow the below-listed instructions to Download and Install Minecraft: Pocket Edition for PC on your Windows 7/8/10/XP or MAC PC. Download the Bluestack Standalone installation file from the link provided in the below section.; BlueStacks-Installernative.exe file consuming about 261.86 MB will be downloaded on your Windows 7/8/8.1/10 or MAC PC. Minecraft: Pocket Edition is a mobile-compatible version of the popular construction game. The objective of the game is to build virtual constructions in a sandbox-like environment, using any number of 36 available cube models, tools, and customizable options. For Mac and Windows, that process is very simple and fast, all you need to do is download.dmg (for Mac OS).exe (for Windows) install files (it might be other file types, for example,.rar Archive type), now you just should open it, and go through the installation process, then you could easily use Minecraft pocket edition for your purposes. Already own Minecraft? Download it again for Windows, Mac and Linux. Download server software for Java and Bedrock and play with your friends. Edition

3. Install macOS

When you're ready to reinstall macOS, choose Reinstall macOS from the Utilities window. Then click Continue and follow the onscreen instructions. You will be asked to choose a disk on which to install.

  • If the installer asks to unlock your disk, enter the password you use to log in to your Mac.
  • If the installer doesn't see your disk, or it says that it can't install on your computer or volume, you might need to erase your disk first.
  • If the installer is for a different version of macOS than you expected, learn about macOS Recovery exceptions.
  • If the installer offers you the choice between installing on Macintosh HD or Macintosh HD - Data, choose Macintosh HD.

Please allow installation to complete without putting your Mac to sleep or closing its lid. During installation, your Mac might restart and show a progress bar several times, and the screen might be empty for minutes at a time. Ithoughtsx 4 10 download free version.

If your Mac restarts to a setup assistant, but you're selling, trading in, or giving away your Mac, press Command-Q to quit the assistant without completing setup. Then click Shut Down. When the new owner starts up the Mac, they can use their own information to complete setup.

macOS Recovery exceptions

The version of macOS offered by macOS Recovery might vary in some cases:

  • If macOS Sierra 10.12.4 or later has never been installed on this Mac, Option-Command-R installs the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available. And Shift-Option-Command-R isn't available.
  • If you erased your entire disk instead of just the startup volume on that disk, macOS Recovery might offer only the macOS that came with your Mac, or the closest version still available. You can upgrade to a later version afterward.
  • If your Mac has the Apple T2 Security Chip and you never installed a macOS update, Option-Command-R installs the latest macOS that was installed on your Mac.
  • If you just had your Mac logic board replaced during a repair, macOS Recovery might offer only the latest macOS that is compatible with your Mac.

If you can't get macOS Recovery to offer the installer you want, you might be able to use one of the other ways to install macOS.

Other ways to install macOS

  • You can also install macOS from the App Store or Software Update preferences. If you can't install macOS Catalina, you might be able to install an earlier macOS, such as macOS Mojave, High Sierra, Sierra, El Capitan, or Yosemite.
  • Or create a bootable installer disk, then use that disk to install macOS on your Mac or another Mac.

So, you want to try out the latest macOS beta but don’t want to lose the stability of the current system? You’re not alone. We also like to get an early look at the latest software, but we‘re also very aware that beta software is often buggy and that the majority of apps used on a daily basis aren’t yet compatible with it, and so overwriting the stable macOS currently being used could potentially cause the unwelcome deaths of millions of neurons.

But guess what? macOS provides a neat way to run two operating systems at the same time via its dual-boot utility known as Boot Camp Assistant, allowing users to select the operating system through the Startup Manager. Although it isn’t possible to install a second version of macOS with Boot Camp (only Windows), it can be tricked into booting your Mac in the desired beta OS.


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How to Install macOS Beta on Your Mac

Mac users with startup disk formatted as APFS will need to follow some preparatory tasks to get the system ready:

  1. Launch Disk Utility and select your startup disk (usually Macintosh HD). Remember, the following steps only apply to users running macOS 10.3 High Sierra or later.
  2. Click on the Add Volume button (“+”) to add another volume to your disk.
  3. Name the newly created volume Mojave, or whatever name you prefer.
  4. Choose APFS as the volume’s format. At this point, you can set a minimum and maximum storage limit for the volume by clicking on the Size Options and entering the desired values.
  5. Finalize it by clicking the Add button.

Install macOS Mojave

  1. Before getting access to the beta version of macOS Mojave, you will need to sign up for the public beta program on
  2. Sign in with your Apple ID and enrol your device onto the program.
  3. Download the Public Beta Access Utility and install the package file onto your Mac. A second app, Feedback Assistant, will also appear, but this can be ignored it at this point.
  4. Enter the Mac App Store and you’ll see the macOS Mojave public beta downloader. If not, go to the Updates section and locate it there.
  5. Click to download the Mojave installer. Since you’ll download close to 6GBs of data at this point, it will take some time depending on your internet connection.
  6. When the download has finished, it will automatically launch the installer. Click “Continue”.
  7. Agree to the terms and click the “Show All Disks” button to reveal your newly created APFS volume. Note: if you don’t do this, you’ll overwrite the stable operating system and you’ll have lost the option to dual boot.
  8. Select the Mojave partition and click install.
  9. Follow the on-screen instructions and wait for the installer to finish its job.
  10. Enjoy macOS Mojave.

Next time you start your computer it will automatically boot into macOS Mojave, which is fine if you only want to use the latest operating system. However, if your daily tasks are centered around the ‘old’ and stable operating system, then you’ll need to do a simple trick to make sure that the Mac will only boot into macOS Mojave when you want it to.

  1. Launch System Preferences.
  2. Open the Startup Disk pane. You’ll see at least two systems listed there: the old one (macOS 10.13.x) and the new one (macOS Mojave 10.14).
  3. Click on the lock icon to make changes and enter the admin password when prompted.
  4. Select macOS 10.13.x as the default operating system.
  5. Close the lock to prevent further changes.

Install a Second macOS on HFS+ Formatted Drive

Those who skipped formatting their drive to APFS can still install the public beta macOS Mojave (or any later OS). The only change in the preparation stage is to add a partition instead of a new volume and format it as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

How to Boot Into macOS Mojave

Now that you have everything set up to dual boot and the time to play around with Apple’s latest operating system, all you need to do is start the Mac and press the Option key until the Startup Manager appears. Here you’ll see the two macOS versions (the two volumes), so select Mojave as shown in the image above. And that’s it. Enjoy macOS Mojave and don’t forget to send Apple your feedback on how the operating system behaves on your machine.

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  • Supported OS: Windows 10/8/7/XP/Vista, Mac OS 10.15 (Catalina), 10.14, 10.13, 10.12, 10.11, 10.10, 10.9, 10.8, 10.7, 10.6
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'How do I reduce the MB size of a video?' If you have a similar question, follow the guide to compress videos using Wondershare UniConverter for Mac/PC:

The general steps are as below:

  • Step 1: Add files to the best video compression software.
  • Step 2: Reduce the file size by moving the compression bar.
  • Step 3: Start to compress a video without losing quality.

Read the details below. We have made the Mac version, for example. For the Windows version, you can go with the same steps.

Step 1 Launch Wondershare UniConverter on Mac and add a video.

After you download, install, and open Wondershare video size reducer, choose the Video Compressor tab. Then you'll get a new window where asks you to add a file. Click the Document icon to select a file, or drag-and-drop a video to the interface directly.

Step 2 Customize compression settings.

The necessary information of your video will show at the top panel. You can change video compression settings such as file size, bit rate, video resolution, video quality, and format by automatically moving the progress bar.

Step 3 Start compressing video size on Mac.

If you want to check what the video will be like, click on the Preview button. Finally, click on the Compress button to start video compression quickly.

As you can see, Wondershare UniConverter is an easy and fast movie compressor. Suppose you're looking for a batch compressor. In that case, Wondershare super video compression software can also help you to achieve by reading steps on how to compress multiple videos and crop/trim videos easily >>.

Part 2. Another 8 video size compressors you can try.

There are many online video-sized compressors for free that allow you to reduce the size of different formats and other free features without installing any software. Next, we want to share with you the top 8 online video-sized reducers that will reduce your file size.

1. Clideo

If you want to reduce video file size online, Clideo has got you covered. You don’t have to download any software or any tool, and you can convert or compress any clip with this platform.

Here are some features:

● It can compress the 500MB max video to the desired size.

● It can combine many videos, images, or audio content and come up with a single file.

2. FreeConvert

FreeConvert is an online video reducer. Recently, the site released the image compression tool that is very useful in reducing the picture's file size.

Here are some features of this software:

● It can compress a jpg file right here

● It is an advanced option for professional videographers to enhance video resolution, adjust the audio stream, and correct video orientation issues

3. Clipchamp

It can reduce the size of your video and still retain the original quality. It is efficient for your pc that is free and very easy to use.

Let us shed some light on the features:

● It can compress MP4, MOV, AVI, and other formats

● The free version will have the watermark on the final output

Winscp for mac download. It can accept a source media file from your PC, or by pasting its URL if the film is published somewhere on the Internet.

Key Features:

● It can accept video files of up to 200MB

● It allows you to define the size of the output clip manually

● It enables you to choose audio quality from its corresponding drop-down list

5. Ps2pdf

Ps2pdf is one of the most efficient software on the market right now. It has parade tools that will prove to be very useful and will give you impressive results. It is swift, and to top it all.

Key Features:

● It retains the video quality without compromising on the quality

● You can split and merge files

● You can convert videos to pdf and vice versa

6. Online UniConverter -Best Free Online Video Size Reducer

'How can I compress a video without losing quality?' Online UniConverter (originally online video compression tool is a handy online tool that allows you to reduce the size of a video in a moment. It is helpful for those cases where we want to share a video on social networks or send it to a friend through an Email, and we are in a hurry. It is free to use every time you need it, without any ads or watermarks. You can compress videos in most common formats easily and fast without installation.

Key Features:

● It is free to use

● It can customize video resolution, file size, and video format easily

YouCompress is another compression program that can compress your clips for free. All you need to do is, upload the footage and leave the rest to the web app.

Key Features:

● It offers up to 85% compression ratio

● It keeps your media files secured with SSL encrypted connection

● It offers a deletion link post-compression that can remove the source file from the YouCompress server

8. VideoSmaller

VideoSmaller is a compressor online that helps you to reduce the size of your files. It is available in nine different languages and has many other features that you can use online in a moment without installing any software. You can just select your video file and the size that you want to reduce it, and it will be ready in some minutes. Maybe it has some limitations when you want to edit a video, but it is beneficial when you need to compress a video file.

Key Features:

● It allows users to upload video files up to 500 MB

● It can extract audio from videos

Part 3. 4 video compressor apps for iOS/Android.

In this section, we want to help you choose the best video compression apps that cover all your requirements. We can find many video reducers to download, but not all of them have the same features and offer an excellent quality service. Keep on reading about our recommended list of free software that will help you make your video short.

1. Shrink videos

Enjoying 4.7-Star rating on App Store, this iOS app allows you to reduce the size of the media files, typically videos and images, with as high up to 80% compression ratio. The program has simple UI and is available for both iPhones and iPads. Besides, it is a multilingual application, and the languages it supports English, Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Italian, etc.

Key Features:

● It can detect large videos

● It can perform batch compression

● It allows you to share the compressed clips

2. Video Compress – Shrink Vids

Video Compress is another video compression app for iOS devices that you can use to free up your iPhone or iPad. The program offers a simple and intuitive UI, and even a non-techie can use the application to reduce the size of the media clips with merely a few taps on the screen.

Key Features:

Office 365 para mac full mega. ● It has five built-in presets for compression, starting from 360p to Full HD 1080p

● It lets you manage the bitrate and resolution of the videos during compression

● It supports batch compression

3. Panda: Resize & Compress Video

Manage my alexa device from a mac. With a 4.7-Star rating on Play Store, this Android app can compress the videos with almost no loss in picture quality. The good thing about the program is that it can reduce the size of the media clips to the extent that they can share via email.

Key Features:

● It lets you share the compressed videos to your favorite social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Line, etc.

● It enables you to resize the videos

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● The latest version of the app compresses the clips ten times faster as compared to its previous version

4. Video Compress

With a decent 4.2-Star rating on Play Store, this Android app allows you to choose a video quality post-compression, i.e., low, normal, or high. The advanced algorithms automatically detect the length of the videos and compress the file size accordingly to give you a consistent output. The application can also extract the audio from video files and save the track in MP3 format.

Key Features:

● It creates a separate copy of the compressed video while leaving the original version intact.

● It can also extract the subtitles from the videos if they have any.

In conclusion, you can find compression software for different devices in this article and choose the most appropriate one as your needs. For Windows and Mac users, we recommend Wondershare UniConverter (originally Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate) most.

How To Edit A Document On Macbook

Apr 29,2020 • Filed to: Mac Tutorials

  1. How To Edit A Document On Macbook Air
  2. My Documents On Mac
  3. Edit Text In Pdf Mac
  4. How To Edit A Pdf On Preview

Oct 20, 2018 How to Edit Word Documents on PC or Mac. This wikiHow teaches you how to edit a Microsoft Word document's page layout, change its design theme, and make basic style edits on the text, using a computer. However, you can save the file in another format or change the default file format. Save a file in the Open XML Format (default) Save a file in the Office 2004 for Mac file format. Save a file as PDF. Change the default file format that files are saved in. Save a file as a webpage (Word and Excel only) Save a file as plain text (Word only). Feb 26, 2019 This pre-installed program comes with every Mac and is the default PDF editor. It does the most basic things except edit text. So if all there is to do is rearrange pages or insert annotations (Tools Annotate), Preview might be enough. To edit PDF documents, you will need to access the editing feature of Preview. Create and edit HTML documents You don’t need a special app to write or edit HTML code—just use TextEdit. You can display HTML documents like you’d see them in a browser, or use TextEdit as a code editor. How to create or edit HTML code.

'What is the best tool to edit PDF files? '
'How can I edit PDF on Mac without Preview?'

When it comes to edit PDF on Mac, we all want the texts in PDF flexible. However, there are few PDF editing tools can fully control on the PDF, especially edit PDF in Preview or edit PDF online. And edit PDF with Adobe is too expensive. No worry! Here we show you the effective and cheaper way to edit PDF on Mac. Read on and learn the easy guide to edit PDF on Mac with PDFelement Pro, making you a full control on your PDF files.

Part 1. How to Edit a PDF on Mac

If you want to edit PDF text on Mac as easily as on a Word document, you need a powerful PDF editor like PDFelement Pro. You can edit, add or delete PDF text and adjust font. It is regarded as a professional and easy-to-use tool for users to edit PDF on Mac.

Step 1. Run the Mac PDF Edit Tool and Import PDF Files

After installing the PDF Editor on your Mac, switch on the program from your 'Applications' folder, and then add the PDF files that you want to edit by clicking on 'Open File'.

Trusted Mac download Image Crop 1.3.1. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get Image Crop alternative downloads. Crop a JPG, PNG or GIF in seconds for free! Image crop 1 3 1 download free. The original FREE picture resize and crop tool since 2005! Resize, crop, compress, add effects to your images, photos, and screenshots for free! It’s easy with Img2Go’s image cropper. Find out how to crop photo and image files – for free. Upload the photo or picture you want to crop either from your hard drive, via URL or from a cloud storage. The image will load on the canvas. Here, you can crop the image by dragging the crop area or by specifying a custom size. Need a set crop.

Step 2. Edit PDF Text on Mac

Edit PDF text: On the top toolbar, click the 'Text' button and then double click over any text on the PDF page to start editing. There are 2 mode available for you to edit text in PDF files: 'Paragraph Mode' and 'Line Mode'. You're able to directly delete words or add words and sentences to the existing content in the PDF files as you want.

Add Textbox to PDF: In order to enrich content of the PDF, you may need to add textbox to PDF. To do so, you can click on the 'Add Text' button. Wd passport not recognized on mac windows 10. Then you can move the cursor to place the textbox as your own needs.

Mark up text in PDF: With the help of 'Markup' tools on the left tool bar, you can easily markup your PDF texts and draw lines, or you can add Sticky Note and Text Box.

How To Edit A Document On Macbook Air

Step 3. Edit PDF Pages on Mac

Edit PDF Pages: Navigate to the left side menu, click 'Organize PDF', you can see there are several options for editing PDF pages, such as delete pages from PDF, extract pages, add pages to PDF, crop pages, rotate pages, etc.

Step 4. Edit PDF Image on Mac

Edit PDF Images: If you want to edit PDF images, just click the 'Image' button, and then you can crop, replace, extract or insert images to PDF easily.

Step 5. Edit PDF Form on Mac

Edit PDF Form: With this PDF edit tool, you can also fill out PDF form on Mac with ease. To edit PDF form, you can click on the 'Form' button to start edit PDF forms with multiple PDF editing tools. Except for editing PDF forms, you can also use this tool to create PDF forms on Mac according to your own needs.

Video on How to Edit PDF Text with PDFelement Pro

PDFelement Pro is a multi-functional PDF editor on Mac. This PDF editor provides you multiple PDF editing tools and easiest way to edit and manage your PDF documents. Free download and try to explore more features you needed.

Key features of Mac PDF Editor:

  • Easily edit texts, images, links, pages, background and more on PDF.
  • Robust your PDF editing and allow text auto fit to maintain document style.
  • Add annotation, markup, highlight, underline or strikethrough to PDF.
  • Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PPT, Images, EPUB, etc.
  • Combine multiple PDF files into one PDF or split PDF.
  • Fully control PDF pages by rotating, removing or add pages.
  • Quickly add texts, fill out PDF forms, and create PDF forms.
  • Easily edit and convert scanned PDF with OCR function.

Part 2. View and Edit PDF with Preview on Mac

Preview not only can manage and view images, but also allows you to view and edit PDF files on Mac. With Preview, you can add notes, highlight or copy texts in a PDF file. However, Preview does not allows you to delete original texts in PDF and you cannot change the rectangle color for adding texts. Below is the process on how to edit PDF with Preview.

Step 1. Drag and drop your PDF file to the Preview program dock, and you're the PDF file will be open with Preview.

Step 2. Copy text from PDF in Preview. Navigate to the upper toolbar, and click the Text. And you can click on PDF and move your cursor to select the texts you want. Then control-click to select the Copy option or press Command + C to copy the texts.

Step 3. Annotate and markup PDF in Preview. Click Annotate on top of the toolbar. Then you will get a series of annotation tools and markup tools appear at the bottom of the PDF page. Now you can highlight, underline or add strikethrough to texts in PDF. Or you can choose Rectangle, Oval, Text or Arrow to annotate PDF.

Step 4. Fill out PDF form in Preview. When you open a PDF form with Preview, you can click the Text button and click the field to input the information to PDF directly. Note that some PDF files may only be printable but not editable in Preview.

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Navigate to your Applications folder and double-click TextEdit.

Your TextEdit window opens.


Press cmd+O.

The Open dialog appears.

My Documents On Mac


Navigate to the desired text file and double-click the filename to load it.

You can also open an existing text file by dragging its icon from the Finder window to the TextEdit icon.

How To Edit A Document On Macbook

Navigate to the desired text file and double-click the filename to load it.

You can also open an existing text file by dragging its icon from the Finder window to the TextEdit icon.

Edit Text In Pdf Mac


Click the insertion cursor anywhere in the file and begin typing.

To edit existing text, drag the insertion cursor across the characters to highlight them and type the replacement text. TextEdit automatically replaces the existing characters with those that you type. To simply delete text, highlight the characters and press Delete.

How to edit a document on macbook air

How To Edit A Pdf On Preview

Press Command+S.

This saves your changes. Alternatively, you can save a new version by choosing File→Save As and typing a new, unique filename.

Audio Desk Software

DeskFX comes with an easy-to-use interface that gives you the power to boost your audio. DeskFX audio enhancer software is designed for you to modify and enhance the music and audio played through your speakers and headphones, to provide you with the best possible sound experience.

Best PC Audio Equalizer Software for Windows 10 in 2020

  1. Therefore, if you have advanced audio editing needs, you'd better select the desktop audio mixer software, such as EaseUS Video Editor, Adobe Audition, Audacity, Logic Pro X, and FL Studio, and more. Free Download Windows 10/8.1/8/7.
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Best PC Audio Equalizer Software for Windows 10 in 2020 - We all love listening to music. If you are a music lover, then you must try Windows 10 equalizer. You can use it to optimize your audio experience. You can use Windows equalizer to improve the audio quality of any media file. It will even improve the audio quality of your video files. Thus, Windows Equalizer will improve your listening or viewing experience.


  1. List of Best PC Audio Equalizer Software for Windows 10 in 2020

The need of the Best Audio Equalizer

There are many applications available in the market that can improve the audio quality of your PC. You can also use the Windows equalizer to improve the sound quality. Windows already use it to provide you better listening experience. If you think the audio settings in your PC are not good, then you can change it by using audio equalizer. You can directly choose Jazz, rock or Pop according to the music style. If you want to change the settings manually, then you need to do a lot of testing. But after testing for a while you will find the perfect audio settings for your PC.

Windows equalizer is a simple tool. It changes the audio elements to get the best audio quality. In simple words, it will improve the audio quality of your PC. You can enhance the treble or bass of your speakers. The Windows equalizer will set the bass or treble of your speakers according to the settings. You can also listen to the audio in Windows equalizer. Thus, you can dofull testing before saving any settings. Once you get satisfied with the audio quality, you can save the settings.

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There are many audio equalizers available in the market. Most people get confused between them. Thus, we have tried every audio equalizer in the market. In this article, we will talk about only the best audio equalizers available in the market.

Native Windows 10 Audio Equalizer

Windows have been constantly improving in the past. They have added various tools in their new versions. Windows also provide continuous updates to their users. Still, there are many basic software’s which windows doesn’t provide to their users. Thus, sometimes we need to use third-party tools to enhance our experience. The default programs installed in Windows are superb. But, there are various developers who have created a much better product. If you want to enhance your Windows experience, then you must try their products.

As we have already discussed before, Windows equalizer main work is to improve the audio quality. You can change the audio quality using Windows equalizer. It allows you to change the frequency components of the audio. Thus, you are indirectly changing the audio quality. It is like changing the audio quality of real instruments. All the real musical instruments can create their own equalization. Most musicians use this technique to edit the beat according to their music. Digital audio equalizer uses a similar mechanism. You can manage the audio quality of your speakers by using a tool called Equalizer. This software will allow you to equalize the sound quality in your computer. All you need to do is download the software. After that, you can edit the sound quality by just a few clicks. You can get the best listening experience by using Windows Audio Equalizer.

Best Windows 10 Audio Equalizer

If you are using the new version of Windows, then there are many tools that can improve sound quality. They are mostly known as Windows equalizer. Windows have added many tools and utilities in their operating system. But they have done little to improve the overall audio quality. If you want to improve the audio quality of your PC, then all you need to do is install Windows audio equalizer in your PC.

The equalizer will automatically improve the audio quality of your PC. Most people don’t like the default settings of audio quality. Thanks to the audio equalizer, you can change the audio settings as you like. You can manage all the features of audio like surrounding, environment, and equalizer. You can also change the base and treble of your PC speakers. Audio Equalizer will allow you to change the audio features as you like.

First, we will talk about the Windows 10 Default Equalizer. After that, we will tell you about the third-party tools which you can use to change the audio settings. All the tools in this list have many unique features which you can use to enhance the audio quality.

Windows 10 Default Audio Equalizer

As we have already told before, Windows already comes with the default audio settings. Windows also allow you to change the audio settings using default equalizer. If you are using Windows 10, then you can use ten different types ofaudio quality. There are various audio qualities available like Rock, Pop or Jazz. You can set it according to the music you are listening to. Thus, you will get the best listening experience.

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If you want to use inbuilt Windows equalizer, then follow below steps:

1. First, look for the speaker icon in your Windows taskbar. It is mostly situated at the right bottom corner.

2. Once you have found it, click on it.

3. After that, select Playback Device from all the choices.

4. A new dialogue box will appear.

5. Click on the Playback tab. After that, right click on the Default speaker option.

6. A new dialog box will open with a list. Just click on the Properties.

7. You will see the Speaker properties.

8. After that, click on the Enhancement tab.

9. You will find an equalizer checkbox in the list.

10. After that, you will see the sound effect properties.

11. Now, you can adjust the audio quality. You can also test the audio quality by playing audio files.

List of Best PC Audio Equalizer Software for Windows 10 in 2020

Here we come the best third-party list of PC Audio Equalizer for you to try out:

Equalizer Pro - Software Link

Equalizer Pro is the most famous audio equalizer in the market. It has many unique features. You can trust this software for improving your speaker audio quality. It is the best audio equalizer in the market. The best thing about the Equalizer pro is that it is user friendly. Most Window audio equalizers have a very complex interface. But, Equalizer pro has a user-friendly interface. Thus, most users love it. You can also use this software to enhance your speaker audio quality. It has many audio editing options available. You can edit the treble, mid and bass segments in this software.

We have tested all the tools on this list. According to us, Equalizer Pro is the best audio equalizer. You can set the bass according to your preference. You can also use the Bass Boost effect to increase the bass of your speakers. It is perfect for playing rock songs on your speakers. If you are listening to audio with the low sound, then this effect is perfect for you. It has over 10 band equalizer and up to 20 presets in the software. You can use these presets to edit the audio quality. If the software does not satisfy you with the presets, then you can create your own preset. Try to use the equalizer yourself until you find the perfect setting. Thus, you will get the best audio listening experience.

FXSound - Software Link

FXSound is another superb Windows audio equalizer. It is like any other audio equalizer in this list. You can use it to enhance the audio quality of your PC speakers. Thus, you can get terrific audio quality without buying expensive speakers. FXSound has many unique features like crystal clear audio, booming base. It has also fidelity tools which you can use to improve the audio quality. You can all these tools to improve the audio quality of your speakers. FXSound will allow you to listen to studio quality listening experience. You don’t even need to buy expensive speakers to experience high-quality audio.

FXSound will work in the background. It will provide a 3D sound experience to you. It works on a simple principle. FXSound will rearrange the sound frequencies to provide studio quality audio. You can use this software to get the best audio quality.

Realtek HD Audio Manager - Software Link

You might have already heard about Realtek. It develops high-quality audio codecs for Windows operating system. They also have their own Realtek HD Audio Manager. You can use this tool to edit the audio quality. You can improve the audio quality of your speakers with this software.

Realtek Audio Manager has many unique features. It is an open source software. Hence, many developers around the world are working on it. There are various audio presets available in this software. You can also manage the audio settings in this software. It will allow you to change audio parameters of your microphone, device speakers and stereo mix. Like most of the other audio equalizers, this software comes with 10 band setting. You can use these settings to enhance sound quality. It also has various sound effect options like environment. You can set the environment according to your mood. The best thing about this software is that it has a user-friendly interface. Some people think tools with the simple user interface have fewer features. But, Realtek Audio Manager has many unique audio editing features.

RealTime Equalizer - Software Link

If you want to improve the audio quality of your speaker, then you can try this software. This equalizer will allow you to process various audio files like MP3s and WAVs. It will allow you to audio frequencies according to your taste. Thus, you will get a better audio listening experience. You can also edit the frequency set during the playback of any song. It will allow you to amplify the sound in a range. The range mostly lies from–Infinity to +90 dB. They have divided this range into two separate intervals. You can use all these features easily. RealTime Equalizer has a simple user interface. Thus, users love it.

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Bass Treble Booster - Software Link

If you want to amplify your audio output, then Bass Treble Booster is perfect for you. It will allow you to set the Treble and Bass frequency according to your taste. You can set these settings to get the best sound quality. It also comes with inbuilt audio file conversion. Thus, you can convert audio files from one format to another format. If you have an audio file with the low sound, then you can use this software. It will boost the bass of your speakers. Hence, you will get amplified sound quality. You can use it to manage various file extensions like FLAC, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4A, AIFF, and AAC.

Viper4Windows - Software Link

If you want a complete Windows audio equalizer package, then this software is perfect for you. It has many unique audio editing features. Viper4Windows is mostly known for its audio equalizer. It will allow you to produce the best sound quality. Most other audio equalizers have 10 audio bands only. But, Viper4Winodws have more than 18 audio bands. You can customize the sound quality in this software. You can also set the preset audio quality like Jazz, Super Bass, Rock Music, etc.

You can also change the sound output to the surround option. It will allow you to change the audio effects according to various surrounding settings. Where do screenshots save on mac. There are many environment options like the smallest room, small room, large room, mid-size room, and largest room.

It also has a unique feature known as ViPER XBass. It will allow you to amplify the audio quality. If you have a low sound audio file, then you can amplify the sound quality. It will also allow you to remove the noise distortion from your audio. You can also set the reverberation to use various effects like the early mix, wet mix, and other audio quality settings. Thus, you don’t need to buy expensive headphones to get the best audio quality.

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Equalizer APO - Software Link

If you want to use an advanced sound equalizer, then Equalizer APO is perfect for you. It has various features which you can use to enhance the sound quality. You can use various equalizer settings to change the audio features. Equalizer APO will allow you to adjust the sound quality of your PC speakers. You can use this option to enhance the power and quality of your speaker.

Equalizer APO has many filters which you can use to filter the audio file. If you want to create a new filter, then you can create a new filter configuration. Thus, you can enhance the audio quality of your PC speakers.

Audio desk software

DFX Audio Enhancer - Software Link

You can use DFX Audio Enhancer to enhance the audio quality of your audio files. If you want the best audio quality, then you must use this software. It has the simplest user interface in this list. DFX Audio Enhancer has all the audio effects like Ambience, Hyperbass, and Dynamic boost. You can also use the 3D surround effect to get 3D sound effects. Make sure you are using headphones to get the most out of 3D surround effect. Also, try every sound effect available in this software. Thus, you will get to know about the best sound effect.

Graphic Equalizer Studio - Software Link

Graphic Equalizer Studio is another Windows audio equalizer which you can use to enhance the sound quality. You can also fix various errors in your Windows sound driver. It also allows you to fix your DVD Player program. It will look for the errors in your audio streams. If there is an error, then it will automatically fix it. It has many unique features like Compressor and limiter. You can use it to decrease or increase the audio level of any media file. If you are watching a movie, then you can use it to improve the sound quality. You will get a studio-like audio experience.

Conclusion on Best Windows PC Audio Equalizer Software for Free in 2020

Windows already comes with a pre-installed audio equalizer. But, they still need to improve it. If you want to experience the best sound quality, then you must use third-party tools. There are many audio equalizer tools in the market. You can use them to enhance the audio quality of any media file. They will allow you to get the best listening experience from your speaker. You need not buy any expensive speakers or headphones to experience the best sound quality. Just try any of the above mentioned audio equalizers to experience the best audio quality. If you want to experience 3D sound quality, then you can use the surround option. Thus, you need not go to any studio to experience 3D sound. All you need is a Windows audio equalizer and a headphone. Many people think they have to buy expensive headphones or speakers to experience good audio quality. But, all you need is a Windows audio equalizer. It will automatically improve the sound quality of your PC speakers.

To record computer screen, game, webcam, streaming videos, it is better to use a desktop recorder than a screen recorder online. A browser-based recorder usually comes with less features and is not suitable to record gameplay while a desktop recorder is often more advanced and packed with various useful features.

For example, FonePaw Screen Recorder, the desktop recording software we introduce here, is full-featured desktop screen & audio recorder for Windows 10/8/7 and Mac.

Apart from the ability to record full screen, windows, certain areas, games, live streaming videos, webcam, audio (system sound & microphone voice) that average screen recorders can do, the FonePaw desktop recorder stands out with many advanced features.

  • Record screen videos in high definitionat 60 fps;

  • Enablehardware acceleration so that the computer runs more smoothly in recording gameplay or other processor-heavy screen activities;

  • Save screen capture in various formats: PNG, GIF or videos (MP4, MOV, AVI, TS, etc.);

  • Offer scheduled recordings to automatically record game, streaming videos;

  • Add annotations in screen recording videos;

  • Customizable hotkeysto control screen capture;Highlight mouse cursor in screen videos;

  • Hide desktop icons during recording;

  • Show countdown before filming computer screen.

Better than that, FonePaw Screen Recorder is now free to download. And unlike other free screen recorders which applies a watermark to your screen recording footage, this recorder won't add watermark to your videos.

Get this desktop recorder on Windows PC or Mac.


With a simple interface, the desktop recorder is also quite easy-to-use. The followings are how to record desktop screen and audio with FonePaw Screen Recorder.

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Best Desktop Screen Recorder for Mac Computer

How to Record Desktop Screen

When you open FonePaw Screen Recorder, you'll find 3 tools in the desktop recorder: screen recorder, audio recorder, snapshot. To take a video of a computer screen, click Video Reorderto start screen video capture.

Step 1 Select Area to Record

Toggle on the button for Display. Then click the arrow down button to select the recording region: full screen, customized area, preset frame (1080p, 720p, etc.). You can allow the recording region to move following the mouse cursor.

Step 2 Enable Webcam (Optional)

If you need to record facecam in picture-in-picture mode, turn on the button for Webcam.

Step 3 Adjust Audio Settings for Desktop Screen Capture

Turn on the buttons for System Sound and Microphone to enable the desktop recorder to record audio from computer and microphone. Drag the slider to adjust volume.

Step 4 Customize Recording Settings

Click More Settings, which will open Preference panel that give you many options. For example, you can add mouse cursors effects with different colors; allow to move the recording region during recording; select the format for the screen videos.

Step 5 Record Computer Screen

When you have set up all parameters, click REC. The screen recording will begin. You can add annotations or schedule a recording with the options in the floating panel.

When you are done, click Stop button. You can then view the screencast and if you are satisfactory, save the video on your PC.

NOTE: When FonePaw Screen Recorder is running, you can also use keyboard shortcuts to activate and stop screen video recording. The default hotkeys to start a screen video capture is Ctrl + Alt + R. The hotkeys to end a recording is Ctrl + Alt + R. You can customize the hotkeys in Settings.

How to Record Desktop Audio

FonePaw Screen Recorder can not only be a desktop screen recorder but also a desktop audio recorder to record audio from a computer in MP3, WMA, M4A, AAC.

The followings are how to record audio on Windows and Mac.

Step 1 Open Desktop Audio Recorder

When FonePaw Screen Recorder is running, click Audio Recorder.

Step 2 Adjust Audio Settings

To record internal audiofrom computer, enable System Sound. If you want to add voiceover, toggle on Microphone. You can adjust the volume now by dragging the slider or you can volume up or down later during the recording.

Tip: Click More Settings and go to Audio sections, you'll choose to save the recorded audio in what format and decide the quality of the recording.

Audio Desk Recording Software

Step 3 Record Audio on Computer

When you are ready, click REC to start recording audio. A window will appear, allowing you to pause, stop the recording, enter the duration of the recording to schedule a recording or adjust the volumes.

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Step 4 Save the Recorded Audio

To stop recording, click Stop and desktop recorder will save the recorded audio file on your computer.

That's all you have to know about the desktop video & audio recorder. If you find it helpful, share to your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more.

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AudioDesk - Full-featured audio workstation software package for Mac OS X and Windows

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  • Features

AudioDesk is a full-featured audio workstation software package for Mac OS X, Windows 7 and Windows 8. AudioDesk provides all of the high-end features you'd expect in a professional workstation application, like 24-bit/192-kHz recording and real-time, 32-bit effects processing.

The software includes multi-track audio editing, sample-accurate placement of audio, a complete virtual mixing environment with up to 64 stereo busses, automated mixing, graphic editing of mix and effects automation, scrubbing, trimming, spotting, crossfades, support for third-party AU, VST2, and MAS effects plug-ins, unlimited digital track bouncing (including effects and automation), and much more.


AudioDesk does not place artificial restrictions on the number of tracks you can work with. Unlimited audio tracks means AudioDesk is ready for as many tracks as your computer will allow.


View your audio tracks in a single, unified mixer. Configure up to twenty effects inserts per audio channel, and 32 stereo busses. Everything is automatable, including effects parameters with five advanced automation modes, beat-synchronized effects and sample accurate editing of automation data. The automation system features a rich set of user interface technologies such as event flags for discrete events and spline tools for manipulating control points. Automation parameters are displayed in meaningful real world values such as decibels and milliseconds - not arbitrary values (0-127).


AudioDesk includes dozens of real-time DSP-effects with easy to use graphical controls and complete automation. Combined, these included effects meet all the demands of today's audio production process; you'll find two, four and eight band EQ, tube-simulation and distortion effects with the flexible PreAmp-1 plug-in, reverbs, a compressor, a synthesizer-style multimode filter, echo & delay effects, chorus, phaser, flanger, and more.

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'What is the best free PDF Editor for Mac?'

Here we've compiled the top 5 PDF editor Mac tools to work with your PDFs efficiently. We've found the best 5 free PDF editor for Mac to help you modify your files, including tools like PDFelement Pro for Mac.

Choose Your Best PDF Editor for Mac

1. PDFelement Pro-Clean and Powerful PDF Editor

PDFelement Pro is one of the best programs for all solutions to edit PDF files on Mac. With this tool, you can edit, add, modify, and delete texts, graphics, and images in PDF format. You can also convert your PDF files to Word, Excel, EPUB, Images, and more formats. You can annotate and mark all the screen content with a variety of markup and annotation tools. It allows you to fill out your existing PDF forms, creates PDFs, and extract data from PDFs forms. The advanced OCR feature helps you to edit and convert scanned PDF and remove data from scanned PDF.

PDFelement Pro
PDF Expert
Adobe® Acrobat® DC Mac
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Price from $79 / perpetual $79.99 / perpetual $180 / year
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Convert PDF Microsoft Office files, Pages, ePub and image formats Microsoft Office files and image formats
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Create PDF
Perform OCR
Customer Support Free one-to-one Support and online help center Online help center Sledom get time resoponse

2. PDF Expert - Beautiful and Robust PDF editor

PDF Expert by Readdle is a start product in the Mac App Store. It has been rewarded as 'Editors' Choice,' 'App of the Year' and 'Top 1 Paid App'. It provides advanced reading experience on Mac. The cool thing is that you can compare two PDF files in the 'split view mode.' You can also mark up while reading. PDF Expert also provides tools to combine PDFs. Add, remove, extract, rotate, copy, and reorder pages to make your PDF files' best arrangement. Fill out PDF forms and sign electronically.

3. Adobe® Acrobat® DC Mac - Powerful but Expensive Choice

As the leading brand in the PDF industry, the PDF editor of Adobe® Acrobat® is no doubt with reliable quality. From the product interface, we can see, it has a wide range of toolset. You can edit, comment, fill&sign, convert, combine, and secure PDFs. With the help of Action Wizard, Pro users can customize an action and run it so that you can deal with piles of PDFs with the same story. It is also integrated with Adobe Sign. If you have an Adobe suite already and enough budget, then Acrobat DC is a better choice.

4. Foxit PhantomPDF Mac - New Product by Old Brand

Foxit published PhantomPDF Mac in recent years. Been dedicated to Windows solution of PDF for years, it's Mac version deserves a trial. This PDF editor mac allows you to edit text, convert, annotate, compress, OCR, and sign PDFs. You can also fill out forms and protect PDFs with a password.

5. PDFpen Pro

PDFpen Pro is an all-purpose PDF editor for mac. You can edit, mark up, OCR, and protect PDF and create PDF forms. Edit text and images, annotate PDFs with the highlight, notes, and hand-drawings. OCR scanned PDFs into editable text. There's also a redaction option that can black out your sensitive information.

Three Light-weighted PDF Editing Software for Mac

6. Preview - Mac Built-in Markup Tool

Preview is a light-weighted PDF annotation tool, which is built-in on Mac. You can add text, notes, shapes, and highlighting to jot down your thoughts and compress, convert and combine PDFs. It also allows you to organize pages like add, delete, and move. To protect your PDF documents, you can add a password. However, it has fewer features compared with professional pdf editors on Mac. It doesn't support batch process and OCR. The most important is that it can't edit existing text in a PDF. Therefore, it's the only suitable for those who only want to mark up PDF files. If you are looking for PDF editing software on Mac, it is not your choice.

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7. Adobe Reader DC

Adobe Reader DC is a free PDF reader on Mac. As its name conveys, it only allows you to view, comment, and sign PDFs. If you want to enjoy the editing feature, you need to upgrade to Adobe Acrobat DC.

8. FineReader Pro for Mac

FineReader Pro for Mac is an OCR product from ABBYY, a leading company in the OCR area. The highlight of the program is converting scanned PDFs with great accuracy. If you often deal with scanned files, then FineReader Pro for Mac is your best Choice. You can convert those documents into editable formats like Docx, xlsx, pptx, and more.

Two Minority Free PDF Editors Mac

9. PDF Editor Mac

PDF Editor Mac is a free pdf editor mac from the individual developer. Although it may not have a beautiful interface and is not intuitive, it has the standard features for light users. You can edit, rotate and annotate PDF documents.

10. Skim

This software is a free PDF annotation and reader for Mac that allows you to make several modifications. It lets you perform tasks such as highlighting, underlining, and adding sticky notes to better view PDFs.

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2020-09-11 18:07:33 • Filed to: Choose Right Mac Software • Proven solutions


Mac users can now easily view PDF files and documents using various software programs available online. Users can benefit in numerous ways from these programs, as they not only allow users to view PDFs, but also manipulate PDF documents and fill simple forms. In this article, we'll list the top 6 PDF readers for Mac and outline their various features.

Top 6 PDF Readers for Mac

1. PDFelement

Microsoft visual studio for mac free download. PDFelement is an excellent PDF reader for Mac users. It provides various modes to view PDF documents, and many other options to adjust view and zoom settings. Review and edit your document by adding sticky notes, text boxes, highlight tools, links, drawing and more.

You can also convert, edit, protect, create, OCR and add digital signatures to your PDF documents. You'll have an excellent editing experience. You can use this program to edit text, images and manage pages in your PDF document. Signing documents is an easy task as well. PDFelement not only provides the option to add a customized signature image, and the option to insert digital signatures to your PDF document. Convert PDF files to and from other formats like Excel, Word, PPT, TXT, or EPUB etc. The following features are included in this great PDF reader for Mac:

  • Lets users underline, highlight, or strikethrough text in their file;
  • Allows users to view PDF files with different display mode;
  • Enables you to edit PDF text while maintaining the original layout;
  • Allows you to add shapes to PDF files;
  • You can crop, rotate, and replace images. You can also merge files;
  • It is compatible with macOS10.12, 10.13, 10.14 and 10.15 Catalina.

2. Adobe® Reader for Mac


Adobe® Reader for Mac provides a host of affordable features for viewing and editing PDF documents. PDF documents can be created from a variety of sources and edited according to user requirements. Its key features are:

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  • Ability to create PDF documents from a variety of sources
  • Allows editing, sharing, adding comments and different views of PDF files
  • Supports scanning through OCR

Adobe® Acrobat® XI and Adobe® Reader XI have ended support and updates as of 2017. This means you will no longer receive security updates, product updates, or customer support. In order to avoid your file and data being insecure due to lack of protection, you should check here to find out the best alternatives to Adobe® Acrobat®.

3. Skim for Mac

Skim is a powerful PDF reader for Mac which allows the users to view PDF documents and edit them in a user-friendly manner. The application can also be customized according to users’ requirements. Main features of this PDF reader for Mac are:

  • Allows to edit, view and annotate PDF documents;
  • Allows snapshots of documents for previews;
  • Allows password saving in Keychain;
  • Enables full screen preview;

4. Preview

Preview is an extremely user-friendly PDF reader for Mac which has a ton of options for viewing and editing PDF documents. This PDF reader for Mac has the following key features:

  • Makes viewing and working with PDF applications easy;
  • Enables digital signatures, bookmarks, and adding notes to PDF;
  • Customize toolbar according to your needs;

5. Chrome

Google Chrome comes with a built-in PDF reader for Mac which enables users to view PDF web documents within their browser. It allows readers to control various functions of their PDF document with easy to use functions. The main features of this best PDF reader for Mac are:

  • Includes the option to save PDF documents from within the browser;
  • Enables printing a PDF document from within the browser;
  • The PDF viewer can be enabled and disabled manually;

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6. Haihaisoft Reader for Mac

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Haihaisoft PDF Reader lets you read PDF files effortlessly. You are able to open a document using your browser, as the 'drag and drop' feature isn't available. It also allows you to rotate pages, view in full screen mode, make a presentation, skip to the first, last, next, or previous page, use the search function, zoom in and out, or create a favorites list.

  • Print and Read PDF documents
  • It takes up less space than Adobe Reader
  • Haihaisoft PDF Reader can be launched instantly
  • High privacy and security settings
  • DRM-X platform protected PDF documents are supported

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Hp Envy Photo Software

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HP’s MSRP is subject to discount. HP’s MSRP price is shown as either a stand-alone price or as a strike-through price with a discounted or promotional price also listed. Discounted or promotional pricing is indicated by the presence of an additional higher MSRP strike-through price


With the built-in features of HP Scanjet scanners, it's easy to touch up older snapshots or enhance your non-digital photo prints (like school photos, Polaroids, or photo booth photos). Learn how to scan your photos, make improvements using HP scanner software, and find the best products for the job. HP ENVY Photo 6200 All-in-One Printer series Basic Driver. Description: This basic feature software solution is a driver-only software solution intended for customers who only want a basic driver to use with their HP printer. If you want the full feature software solution, Fix and enhancements: Added support for Windows 10.

The following applies to HP systems with Intel 6th Gen and other future-generation processors on systems shipping with Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 Pro systems downgraded to Windows 7 Professional, Windows 8 Pro, or Windows 8.1: This version of Windows running with the processor or chipsets used in this system has limited support from Microsoft. For more information about Microsoft’s support, please see Microsoft’s Support Lifecycle FAQ at

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In-home warranty is available only on select customizable HP desktop PCs. Need for in-home service is determined by HP support representative. Customer may be required to run system self-test programs or correct reported faults by following advice given over phone. On-site services provided only if issue can't be corrected remotely. Service not available holidays and weekends.

HP will transfer your name and address information, IP address, products ordered and associated costs and other personal information related to processing your application to Bill Me Later®. Bill Me Later will use that data under its privacy policy.

Microsoft Windows 10: Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows 10. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software or BIOS update to take full advantage of Windows 10 functionality. Windows 10 is automatically updated, which is always enabled. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See

“Best All In One Printer” and “the easiest printer you’ve ever had to set up” from Wirecutter. ©2020 The Wirecutter, Inc. All rights reserved. Used under license.

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NO ADDITIONAL PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. ANY ADDITIONAL PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Open only to legal residents of 50 US/DC, 18+. Void where prohibited. Multiple monthly entry periods apply. Ends 11:59:59pm PT on 4/30/20. Limit one entry per product review by email invitation only. Subject to Official Rules. Sponsor: HP Inc., 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304-1185.

The personal information you provide will be used according to the HP Privacy Statement (

The HP ENVY Photo 7855 not only does it print documents, but it can also scan and copy them. Although it is now possible to scan many documents with a smartphone and send them as e-mails, you can never really come close to the quality of a classic scanner. Most of the time you can also see the shadow of your own hand in the picture. The scanner is hidden in the device. Flip-up, insert the document and scan the document using the touch display. Also works via the control on the Mac / PC, or via the smartphone. The rendering of the scanner is precise, and this benefits copies whose quality is only slightly degraded compared to the originals. To keep things clean, the printer is fast in both of these scenarios, taking 10 seconds to scan a 10 x 15 cm photo at 300 dpi or an A4 document at 100 dpi, as well as 11 seconds to copy a worksheet in black and white, and 12 seconds in color. All controls are entrusted to a touch screen. Responsive, readable, and displaying complete and well-organized menus, it would still have benefited from being a little bigger. Some competing models go up to 9.8 cm diagonally on this range, where the HP ENVY Photo 7855 has to be content with a 6.7 cm screen. The printer also offers an SD card reader and a USB host port; documents and photos can therefore be printed directly from an external storage medium. Serving the overall design of the product, HP has chosen to hide these two locations behind a small round pivot door. The printer of course offers a Wi-Fi module (Wi-Fi Direct compatible), which is also used as soon as the product is turned on for the first time. HP is relying on its new HP Smart application and HP ENVY Photo 7855 driver to help users configure the printer, easily connect it to their local network, and guide them through cartridge installation and calibration. The application, although it facilitates the configuration of its new printer, suffers from certain flaws, but still allows you to easily print any photo on your smartphone.


HP ENVY Photo 7855 Driver

Download HP ENVY Photo 7855 Driver for Windows and macOS

Before downloading the driver, refer to the following operating systems to make sure the HP ENVY Photo 7855 printer is compatible with your PC or Mac to avoid an error when setup, installing the driver, or using the printer. Mobile os software download windows 8.

HP ENVY Photo 7855 Driver and Software Compatibility

Windows Compatibility: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10

macOS Compatibility: macOS 11, macOS 10.15, macOS 10.14, macOS 10.13, macOS 10.12

Download HP ENVY Photo 7855 Drivers and Software

Windows Driver:
Install HP Smart from the Microsoft store to set up and use your HP printer directly from the app. or you can install the driver software below:

HP ENVY Photo 7800 All-in-One Printer series Basic Driver – IT Professional Use only Download 32-bit | Download 64-bit

macOS Driver:
Install HP Smart from the macOS app store to set up and use your HP printer directly from the app.

Download Also: HP ENVY Photo 7855 Manual to guide you how to install the printer.

All HP ENVY Photo 7855 drivers and manuals available for download through the website owned and operated by HP Manual are copyrighted by HP Official or one of the third-party of HP official vendors. customer agrees to the applicable license or other agreement between HP or a third party vendor and the customer.